He’s here!

I woke at 5 this morning but still no news from our last update that I shared with you yesterday. By 6 I messaged Sim ~ although appreciating that if they were in the throw of things, looking at his phone would be the last thing to do. Still no news by the time I arrived at school and I was worried. 

Then we received THE text at 10am but was quite brief to say he had arrived this morning after a long, long painful labour and would update us later with details and photos. Both parents, understandably, were exhausted after being awake for more than 24 hours and needed some sleep.

During the afternoon Sim updated us with more details about what poor Natalie had to endure and resulted in a forceps delivery this morning. So first photos of little Oscar are showing him a bit battered and bruised. But hopefully they will disappear soon.

I’m absolutely delighted he’s here and ok and can’t wait to have my first cuddle... although it might be a few days yet as they did say before he was born that they would like a few days on their own as a family and getting to know each other before we all descended on them. I’m chomping at the bit to see him but I will try and be patient.

I’m also hoping that this pic will change if Sim sends through a pic that I’ve requested. (I ordered this card last week once I knew he was on his way)..... Changed but may be changed again if any others ping through :-))

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