By lizzie_birkett

Blooming Marvellous!

Each time I go up the track with Bella there are new flowers to see. This morning there was a lovely clump of Marsh Marigolds and some Poppies.
It was still quite cold today and I still have thermals on! I seem to feel cold more lately. Frank lit the wood burner and I had my dressing gown on top of my clothes - I was reading and fell asleep again! 

The weather is meant to warm up next week…..
Frank won’t be here as he is going to visit his son in N.Ireland. I may be decorating the living room - no wallpaper, just paint. I can do it quicker if he is not here. 
Ukulele lady is coming tomorrow morning - the last time! ;-D

The Poem came into my head last night on the way to ballet. An old three wheeler car went past and I asked Frank if they were built in a wedge shape to make them more aerodynamic and the first line was there. 
My stepson, Sam is a long distance hill runner, 35 miles up and down hills is a doddle for him, he has really long legs!

The Long Distance Runner

He’s aerodynamic
with his chiselled features,
he runs like the wind up hills and
leaps over streams and ditches.

He’s tall and thin and wiry,
your archetypal athlete,
he’s driven to run fast…faster!
He has wings upon his feet.

There’s much to be admired
in such endurance and speed,
of beating your last record to the top
and that determination to succeed.

I am more of a rambler myself.
I like to stop and examine the flowers,
look at tiny creatures under rocks
and simply while away the hours.


Time for knitting and telly now. Going to watch The Split after some of you said it was good.

Goodnight Blippers.
:-) X

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