The Joy of Gardening

Hubby had a follow up appointment with his GI doctor. Good news, he can wait for 2024 for his next GI tests. He stopped for some groceries on the way home. I did three loads of laundry and other house chores. After lunch, we headed outside. First on the agenda was to cover the blueberries with the zippered netting. They fit perfectly. I covered my lilies with deer netting; hope it deters them. My clematis in the formal garden is blooming. The flower has just a hint of pink coloring. Hubby weeded one hosta garden, one more needs it. We pruned two lilac bushes that had a huge die off last winter. The spiderworts are starting to bloom in the driveway garden. They multiply so nicely. We came in after I planted my yellow, white and red onion sets and three mixed pepper plants. My hands and fingernails were so grungy after digging in that dark mushroom soil. Tomorrow I will have to get busy planting all my flower pots. Need to get my tomato, squash and zucchini plants in the ground also before we leave this weekend. Thanks for the stars and nice comments. It was certainly quieter today but I got more steps. Yay! It is very heartbreaking reading the journal and seeing the photos from our Ukrainian blipper. Sending prayers for his safety. “The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just the body, but the soul.” – Alfred Austin

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