Waiting for the Hummingbirds

I enjoyed the kitties’ antics this morning rather than hop out of bed early. They wanted their morning treats and kept trying to “wake me up,” silly girls. Our sprinklers ran early this morning so this azalea bush still had a bit of water on its blossoms. The hummers love them. I firmed up our camping menu, developed a grocery list and jotted down items we have at home to bring. After breakfast, I attacked the garden although there isn’t much progress to see. If you remember, last year I had a ground cherry volunteer plant. My sister warned me that they are prolific reseeders. If one seed sprouted this spring, a million did. What a mess. The plants are tightly packed and very fine so I am using a piece of screen to separate them from my mushroom soil. Thank you Lord for the gift of patience! I stayed out there until late afternoon and watered all my flower and vegetable plants that are waiting anxiously to be planted. Kristen asked me to make Chase a German chocolate birthday cake. Things were too hectic over the weekend so I will take it to her at Confirmation practice. They ordered Chase’s passport and paid extra for rush processing so that box is checked. Hubby got home around 3:00 pm. Sounds like he had a fun time even with some rainy days. Practice should last about an hour and then I will be ready to call it a day. Thanks for your recent visits, stars and sweet comments. Will try to get to everyone’s journal in the next few days. No war news today so we’ll pray for those experiencing the terror. Stay safe. “Look around at the azaleas making fuchsia star bursts in spring; look at a full moon hanging silver in a black sky on a cold night. And realize that life is glorious, and that you have no business taking it for granted”. - Anna Quindlen

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