Finding Beauty

I slept in a bit this morning after my busy Saturday. I strolled around the property and decided to share these pretty little bluebells/wood hyacinths with you. There were a few house and kitty chores to be done before 11:30 Mass. I ate lunch and was going to sit with the kitties who were crying for snuggling time for just a few minutes. When I woke up, it was after 2:00 pm and I was supposed to be at Kim’s by 2:30. Even with me being a few minutes late, we got to Brooklyn’s soccer field in Springfield, VA with five minutes to spare. Mancil had a rainy day for driving that distance and in beltway traffic. It sprinkled off and on during the game that ended in a 2-2 tie. Brooklyn played her hardest as usual. Coach was worried about her wrist and falling on the wet grass so she only played about half the game. We surely like to watch her on the field. We stopped for a Mexican dinner once we go back to our county. I saved half of my fiesta pollo for Little Mancil who stayed home with Trek. This has surely been a wonderful weekend hanging out with family. It did not take long for me to hop into my bed. Being out in damp weather that long, chilled my entire body. It was a no news day. Thanks for the visit. Hope you had a marvelous day. “To me life is an absolutely beautiful thing and way too short not to experience the joys of every single thing it has to offer.” - Raymona Brown

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