
Not a very good photo, but I wanted to record the fact that I was at an indoor concert for the first time in three years. After all that time, the act of clapping seemed very strange, but the pleasure of hearing people sing was undiminished. This was a small local choir called the Dalgarno Singers, and the programme (called "I Will Lift My Voice and Sing") was a mix of ancient and modern. Just nice to be there, really.

Since I was headed to Tynron, I took the chance to go for a walk up to the nearby Iron Age fort of Tynron Doon (see extra). Such beautiful bluebells, primroses and broom on the way up, and a lovely view from the top, too. My feet were fine today :-)

Bivvy night tonight - it was meant to be yesterday but I heard out for drier weather.

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