Thursday/ Friday
Thursday (no blips taken ~ slap on the wrist)
We had an appointment at our vets after school. He took her bandage off including the plaster at the top that took quite a lot of fur with it…poor thing! The he took something stuck to her paw, plaque he called it, which resulted in it gushing. Lucy was holding her all the time and did very well as it wasn’t very pleasant. He said she needs to come in for investigation to see what is happening and possible toe amputation.
Blipped Tinks and I waiting to go into the vets. The vet rang at lunchtime to say the X-ray showed no tumours which I think is what he was expecting although it did show a slight fracture. He has cleaned it thoroughly and decided not to amputate at the moment. However, if it hasn’t healed within the next two weeks he will remove it. £400 later we left to go home.
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