Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2022 Neighborhood Flowers

After dinner we put harnesses and leashes on our two pups and we headed out to walk the neighborhood sidewalk. The pups were thrilled. They love to go somewhere; they don’t care where.

As we returned to our house, I saw these flowers a couple of front yards from our place. It was obvious that they are not getting much attention, but they just unfold their beauty for anyone that notices. This evening we noticed.

Today I found the missing clock. I’m so glad I did not find one to purchase the other day. Our kitchen wall now can tell us the time. We did purchase a bathroom scale at the Target store today. It was packed in a box with a photo of it. Once we got it home we realized it is a rinky-dink, crummy piece of junk. No biggie; we’ll take it back.

And that was the final Thursday of April.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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