Iris of my….nds eye

Thanks so much for all the lovely comments on Emilys pretty face :-) Shame she doesn’t see it that way…… I suppose none of us did at that age ;-)

Failed miserably last night, as late as ever to bed….. alarm woke me at 7.15, up and ready for work….. stood out in the garden drinking my breakfast cuppa, after eating my fruit, very pleasant ;-)

Work was a real pain….. working with multiple websites that kept crashing whilst I was waiting for OTP codes to make payments…. got their in the end, but wasted a lot of time that I didnt have to spare! Didnt finish until 1.30…..and took my work phone out with me as I was waiting for a call back……was sat in Costa with a bacon roll (& a chocolate cookie sshhhh!) and a coffee by the time the call came….alls well that ends well!

Next I went to buy household basics for middle son, the house sale completes next week thankfully, so he can move on to the next chapter of his life. He will be moving into his new place shortly so Ive put together cleaning products, cloths, kitchen rolls, bathroom essentials, things so he can make a “brew” with so he doesnt have to shell out for all that on top of food! Have also found him some towels, bedding & curtains…….its what Mums do, right?!

Ive been outside for the last couple of hours, done some container watering as everything is so dry! A bit of weeding, sprayed those that are appearing between the pavers here and there. Had a wander looking at whats come into flower this week, these Irises always catch my eye, love there markings and colour, so apt for Flower Friday, first one Ive taken part in for over 12 months I think……. thats probably a milestone in itself?!

Well its now 7.30pm and Im still sat in the summerhouse, time to think about making myself something for dinner……. steak and salad me thinks!

Tomorrow should be our 28th Wedding Anniversary :-(

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