Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


JR was feeling a wee bit tired after yesterday’s exertions, so she cancelled her morning gym sessions. She had breakfast in bed, and then got up to do some housework.

Upstairs, they are ripping out the kitchen and the bathroom. This involves knocking down brick walls, so it was BANG BANG BANG THUD!! There was a pile of bricks out on the pavement in the afternoon. Archie did not like the noise, so I took him a walk. We walked through the Meadows and while I was gazing at the blossom (still hanging in there) Archie found something to munch on - an old sandwich or something - and as I got near him to grab it, he ran off (Extra) to gobble up the whole thing in peace. Naughty boy!

We walked round by the canal and back through the Links. (6,242 steps) and when we came back the housework was finished. Though the banging and crashing had not.

In the afternoon CT came for a cuppa and to see the holiday photos. After the coffee and cake, a bottle of rose was opened. Four hours later, she tottered off home, so Archie did not get an afternoon walk.

My new Apple left earbud arrived before I was even up! I just ordered it yesterday - How’s that for service!

I see there’s a new ‘£10 Pom’ scheme being launched for young folk to go to South Australia. A return trip to OZ, to work for a year, for £10!! I know what I’d be doing if I was young…

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