
By Mindseye

Spring like Sunday

Slept well…… no plans today, so after breakfast decided on a nice long walk, which takes me through the farmers fields amongst the rapeseed….. such vivid yellow and unlike most, I don’t mind the smell of it at all to be honest :-) Took todays blip whilst walking…..it was a lovely day, still quite windy though.

I walked down into town eventually and sat with a coffee doing my usual quizzes, when there was a tap on my shoulder, turned around, delighted to see one of my granddaughters, Emily, with her friend, and her dad and his partner T, we all sat together and had a lovely catch up for an hour, before going our separate ways.

Back at home first thing was to sweep the front….. lots of dried blossom, a few weeds etc. disposed of, much tidier now. Some watering of tubs and containers in the garden, before sorting out something for a late lunch…… pears pan fried in balsamic vinegar with honey, a little brown sugar, a few pecans tossed in, all caramelised and poured over some goats cheese, yum!

A quick dash to Asda before 4pm for a fresh pineapple, red pepper and onions, needed for my chicken skewers for tea later, which i enjoyed very much, with a mixed salad.

I had planned on doing some housework later, but ran out of steam lol. Watched some tv this evening, next bike ride looms tomorrow morning :-)

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