No-waste waste

Following my observations on plastic reuse/recycling I was going to demonstrate the utter uselessness of biodegradeable plastic bags for disposing of vegetable rubbish. We were issued with these a few years ago with the advice that they could be composted. Today I dismantled a compost bin and found the bags quite un-degraded. They looked so repellent in their slimy layers that I censored the image.

I am much happier about this cardboard packaging (for bottles I think) that I'm using for some lettuce seedlings. The material soaks up water and I'm thinking I'll be able to put the whole tray in the ground and the roots will grow through the soggy cardboard. I suppose the stuff comes from trees but there are lots of sustainable options for plastic-free  packaging that could have secondary uses before being composted.

 Also in the picture:
- Old office chair used as potting rack: one of several re-claimed from the  recycling centre.
- Plastic crates beyond: outmoded council waste containers repurposed as grow boxes. Waste not, want not!

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