Blue flower

A mainly grey windy day.  It started early as our grandson had a 9am hair cut appointment at the local barbers.  Its a lovely hairdressers as there are only 2 small rooms and with one customer in each room.  It means he is not surrounded by the noise and activity of a general hairdressers and is very relaxed with the woman cutting his hair.  He ends up with a closer cut as he tolerates it longer than in the ones close where he lives.  He came out looking very smart.  After a morning of playing with his toys and in the garden they set off back home after lunch.  They have had a great Easter and holiday break and we have enjoyed seeing them all again.

Todays blip is of a smallish flowering plant in the garden that we were pleased to see appearing again.  Last year there was very little of it present.  

Late afternoon I took my husband to get his Covid booster vaccine.  It was his third attempt as he had visited another site twice and found it closed on both occasions.  We were advised of another that was open today.

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