
By LifeLines

Apple Blossom and Aromatherapy

As usual, after breakfast our day started with a dog walk. We’ve been walking our neighbour’s dog (as well as Merlin) at weekends as she (our neighbour) had an ankle replacement a couple of months ago. We looped around the field enjoying the fresh green vegetation of Spring (in the strong and gusty wind), and returned home via the bakery.

I moved on to rhubarb and ginger jam making (my second batch of the season) and then spent several hours sorting out my aromatherapy coursework and made a few blends for a case study and some body cream for me!

Another dog walk this afternoon, again to the field where we admired the apple blossom and the beautiful shape of the trees in the community orchard. I want to better understand how to correctly prune apple trees but seem to struggle to follow what to do whenever I read up on it.

Hoping you’ve had a good day. Take care.

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