International Space Station

Having not been for a walk today, Corin escorted me out to the field at the back of our house, carrying my tripod for me, so that I could get a couple of shots of a really good flyover of the ISS tonight. West to East, approximately 4 or 5 minutes of visibility. Super bright. This was my favourite, as it cut straight across the moon. Because of the long exposure, the moon appears to be circular - it's not - it's a waxing moon heading towards half moon, but I like the effect even so. As the moon was not the object of my image, I am happy to sacrifice the detail of it in order to get the ISS trail.

Amazing how many ne'er-do-wells are out at night. This is why I do not go out by myself.

Am back on painkillers - have given in and decided that clearly there is no point in suffering. So I am back to sleepiness and generally low functionality. But at least I can't do myself a mischief in that state.

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