Same Day Minus Alcohol

Feeling a little delicate breakfast consisted of toast and black coffee before heading over to Truro rugby club where Josh was AR1, Assistant Referee One whatever that entails.
After three successive late nights on the lash and their third match in three days Old Dunstonians, smelling like a combination of kebab shop and brewery, took to the field. The injury count mounted and it didn’t take long to get to uncontested scrums but does it matter, all concerned had a great day, the rain held off until the final whistle and I can only imagine the relief the O.D’s must have felt as they climbed onto the coach to journey home.
Following a can of lemonade I drove Josh, Tiana and myself home where I took over the cooking of the roast dinner from a relieved Mrs S.

An evening dozing in front of the TV, eventually I’ll get round to yesterdays paper.

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