A Visit from Mr Jake
I looked up from my perusal of the newspaper this morning to see Jake peering in the front door. By the time I got there, he was ambling off, but paused to turn and look at me before walking down the steps toward the lawn. He’s certainly made himself right at home. Spike missed the show altogether but certainly knew Jake had been there when I opened the door.
The picture in extras shows what Jake can aspire to when he grows up...Mr. Tom strutting his stuff for his harem in the middle of the street near Spring Lake. They were not impressed, and he was just beginning to fold up his goods when I took his picture.
Spike gets along with other dogs just fine, but I’m not sure I want to find out what would happen if he had a meet and greet with a turkey!
The Pilates class…or in the words of a woman (no spring chicken herself) who walked in the door ‘this must be the ‘geriatric’ class’…was hardly ‘geriatric’. We worked every part of our bodies and even did some things standing on one leg.
I’m posting this early today because my neighbor is bringing over some skirts that need shortening. A good time for some girl talk and a coffee….
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