River of Flowers

By doffy

Easter Monday: Deep Bed No.2

This is the new deep bed behind the garage. I spent the morning getting it almost level, added the weed suppressant membrane then filled it with homemade compost from old deep beds in this part of the garden.
After lunch I planted the pink flowered strawberry plants, which were none the worse for their overnight soak in a planter nearby.
2 surviving seedlings of Babbington Leeks to the left of the strawberries.
Then a row of Yellow Rattle (Rhinanthus minor) seeds - I've grown them in previous years, then they disappeared ...? 2 rows of Phacelia which I grew many years ago https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/3239337 
At the back of the deep bed are American Land Cress - amost in flower, Swiss Chard "Rainbow", 5 of the perennial Potato Onions (which are looking a little sad), French Sorrel and a row of last Autumn's pickling onions which are being grown as shallots. 
We've had a continuous supply of shallots since last October, so much nicer fresh from the garden!
The untidy arrangement of old freezer baskets, plastic flower pot trays and assorted mesh trays and fencing are to deter the local cats from using my vegetable patch as a convenient toilet !!!!!
It was a very busy day for both of us: MrD has been pumping rainwater from one water butt to another, he's using the water to wash down his 2 sheds before they get a fresh coat of paint - a future Blip maybe?
I also got a load of washing dried outdoors.
Very tired this evening and hoping I can stay awake until bedtime ...
Stay safe & healthy & happy everyone :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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