It's Sunday!

We collected Susanna suuuper early to go watch the sunrise together...early enough that we bundled Nate into car still in pjs. The only thing that ruined our quiet contemplative sunrise was the huge amount of mosquitos!
Later in the morning Susanna, Nate and I went to watch the procession of the risen Jesus coming to greet his mother. I'd imagined that the entire thing would take 30 minutes, but 2.5 hours later...!!! It was moving though, very moving.
Lunch all together with Mitch and then we headed to the Festival Club to meet Nick and Blue. The kids had a ball!! Then home for Roma church! I'm wiped out!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Jesus being risen and the hope it gives me.
2) Danny's wonderful roast chicken.
3) Catching up with Nick. 

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