I woke up early, thought I would give myself ten minutes, then woke up almost two hours later. My early start became a late start and a very slow start. First thing was to review my document from last night. I made a couple of minor changes, then sent it, logged off and put my work papers and laptop away, for I am now on holiday.
I pottered doing a few chores and eventually got myself out for a run. TT was back in the garden, hauling a dying hedge out – it’s a big job. He started it at the end of last year, but has made real progress today. My tulips are not looking so great now though, just as well I blipped them yesterday! I was about to head out to get our usual Friday lunch, when BB declared he wanted cheese on toast. That was much easier and much cheaper!
BB did some revision and then later in the day he went out to play football. I went for a walk later in the afternoon, when TT headed off to church. After being quite overcast all day, the sun came out and it was really lovely. I was on tea, but it was a quick and easy tea courtesy of M&S. TT headed off for more church and I settled down to watch Anatomy of a Scandal. It seems familiar, I think I have read the book on which it is based.
I spotted this wee bird this afternoon – but we’re not sure what it is. I also saw this butterfly (extra) enjoying the sunshine.
Update - it's a yellowhammer. I think I wanted it to be something more exotic!
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