As ever, started my day with a walk, though not as early as I have been. I then settled down at my laptop to work my way through a very long list. Luckily I didn’t have too many distractions today and I was able to focus on ticking things off my list, which is always a good feeling. I had planned to pop at out lunchtime for some fresh air, but that wasn’t to be. TT announced this morning that he was taking the day off, but then promptly spent most of the morning clearing emails that had piled up in his in box. Email is the bane of our lives, yet we depended on it for so much. He did spend the afternoon doing jobs in the garden.
BB had rugby training, came home for his tea, then headed straight out again to meet up with friends. Once I had had tea, I popped out for a walk. It was very dusky/getting dark, but I headed on my usual loop. I met two badgers. I’m not sure who was most surprised. They ran off in opposite directions. I then got a call from TT, who had been at church and had come home to find he was locked out. I told him where I was and he came looking for me to get the key.
I came home and finished off my last couple of work things. One thing needs reviewed tomorrow, before I send it out. I need to cast a fresh eye on it in the morning to make sure I haven’t said anything that will come back to bite me.
Yesterday’s tulips have dried off and are now blooming.
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