Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


JR was up and off to the gym this morning - anxious to get back into routine after all the excesses of the cruise. I did not - I need to work up to it for a bit longer…

The day was sunny, but still a nip in the air - though the rest of the UK seems to have summer weather. We took Archie for a walk round the neighbourhood, and I got some coffee beans at the new cafe which is about to open (they have a wee takeaway part at the moment). 

We have the new re-usable coffee pods, which are a bit of a fiddle-faddle, but I feel we’re helping the planet a wee bit. Now have to experiment with beans.

We stopped at Dougal’s gate to say hello. I think Archie is getting more used to him, and he didn’t bark too much. Dougal is such a sweet wee chap, it’s such a pity he’s not on our visitor list any more. 

In the evening we popped across to Hazel’s for a de-brief on the cruise, and to hear of her trip to the sun later in the week. We have decided to steer clear of alcohol for a while (and indeed, food) but we forgot this pledge last night, so it’s from now on. 

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