Seed Head #1

I have always been interested in grasses and seed heads and the way plants propagate. I even taught a little lesson on it to third graders back in the days when I was Miss Eastman and doing a unit of student teaching. This is the first in a random series of grasses because they are appearing everywhere right now. I have no idea what these are but I thought they were rather whimsical.

Looking at its leaves, I'm not sure this is a weed. It's growing next to the sidewalk on a property that burned down so it could have been part of a garden. Looking up weed identification is a pretty daunting task because there are more weeds than people in the world. I might have to wait until it blooms again to identify it by the flower.

We borrowed a ramp for Spike thinking that the day might come when he needed it to get into the car. We waited too long with Ozzie and he wouldn't have anything to do with it! He was much to big to lift so he spent his last year (except for evacuations) at home.

We didn't think it through very well and opened the back of the car while Spike was standing there and he sprang right into the car, thinking he was going on a car ride. We set up the ramp and tried to guide him down it but it is quite steep and he wasn't keen. We did finally get him down it,but could not for love nor treats get him to go back up. We'll try again tomorrow. He jumps quite willingly into the unknown, but I guess for him, this steep ramp IS the unknown.

Tomorrow is Easter and I will miss the Easter egg hunting ritual. Back when our kids were little we always hid the colored hard boiled eggs in our small back yard the night before. The kids would look out the second story windows into the garden hoping to get the jump on one another by spotting an egg.  Those were the days when they weren't allowed to go downstairs for Christmas or Easter until John had taken his shower. Those were the rules.

One year they ran to the back windows and called out...'the easter bunny ate our eggs...' A raccoon had meticulously smashed every egg it could get to, leaving only neat little piles of colored shells. After that we used plastic eggs with chocolates in them...We still have the plastic eggs which we hid for the grandchildren, but now even the grands have outgrown the Easter egg hunt. Peter is away at school and Will has moved to the other side of town. Maybe a chocolate bunny will be bestowed....

This year people all over the world are celebrating Passover, Easter and Ramadan. May they all find hope whether it is as simple as finding a whole Easter egg, or as complicated as being able to go home again one day....

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