Flower Friday. : : Lupins and Tree

The field behind us is filled with buttercups, lupins and a variety of smaller wildflowers which get kind of lost in the tall grass. The lupins can hold their own and make a beautiful swathe of blue against the green grass. Our weather has been quite beautiful but we are not allowed to enjoy it fully as pictures of dry, cracked lake beds in the newspaper remind us of impending drought. 

I couldn't resist putting a second candidate for Flower Friday in extras.

I'm getting pretty fed up with the pandemic coverage in the paper also. The stories follow a definite arc...more people made eligible for vaccines,  drug companies struggling with unacceptable side effects/manufacturing mistakes/distribution problems/shortage of vaccines to fulfill the demand created by making more people eligible. It was understandable the first time and even the second....but it is becoming a self-perpetuating cycle. Somebody needs to rethink something....or maybe they just don't need a pandemic story in the paper every. single. day. 

We had a nice morning of coffee and talk at Cafe Frida today, and Spike is more relaxed every time we go. He continues to try to jump into the back of the car before we get the door open for him. If I tell him to wait he will wait until I tell him the coast is clear, but apparently John didn't get that memo. It is easy to forget that a new dog requires constant attention to details until we get the hang of each others hang-ups.  I think Spike is a quicker learner than we are! 

Between the dog and the crutches It wasn't until some time after we got home and had lunch that John realized he had left his jacket with his phone in the pocket over the back of his chair. He called the cafe but by that time the jacket was gone. 

The afternoon was spent cancelling the phone account. John will have to go to the store to get a new phone with a new number. I hope I won't have to be the one to take him there....

Thank you again to Biker Bear for keeping up this challenge singlehanded.

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