I’m Ready

We were told to get to last nights venue by 7pm in order to get set up in time for a 9pm start. And then we were told it was to be a 10pm start, one set only, finish at midnight. Finally, we were told it would be two 45 minute sets with a 15 minute break, starting at 10.30 and finishing at 12.15. So there was a lot of hanging around as we were all ready to go by 8!
The new pickup combined with the new amp sounded great and worked well. The in-ear monitors were not quite as successful as we were limited in auxiliary channels, so I had to share a monitor feed and only got vocals in my mix, meaning I had to adopt a “one monitor in, one monitor out” approach so I could hear drums and guitars “as is” as well as the vocals in the monitor. I got through the gig ok but we are going to get a more personalised setup put in place in the next few weeks so we can all have what mix we want in our monitors.
The late finish last night meant a lazy day today, though we did manage a visit to the gym. Did some tidying up of laptops and external drives this afternoon. Quite a few unnecessary files removed. The old laptop now has very little relevance but I am undecided as to whether or not to hang on to it. I could use it as my main PC, replacing the current bulky desktop setup, but I’m not convinced it’s presently working correctly - it seems very slow at times. A full reset may be required as well as updating to the most recent Windows OS. Then I’ll see how it compares to the desktop before making a final decision.
And though the trail camera needs putting in a better position, it did reveal the culprit behind yesterday’s mystery paper shredding. Turns out it was a magpie - possibly gathering nesting material?

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