
Art on Monday as usual and we take cake when it is your birthday week and I intended to make fairy cakes  but when Foloh went for milk this morning he brought back boxes of  creme eggs and said that would save me baking . I am sure we will all enjoy.
Have you noticed how small they are now. Also they cost 50p each in some shops. We used to get one for 6d which is 2 1/2 pence today 50p was 10/-. I am just being old!!! They at least taste the same which is more than you can say for some sweets eg the lucky tattle which is no longer lucky as there is no toy inside and they are soft. There are no trinkets in xmas puddings either. I wonder if Brexit means we can put the trinkets in again. 
I could go on but I leave you Blipper friends to contemplate. 
Happy Easter.

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