With mountains like these

By Sollergirl


Oh goodness, so he is!

This birthday is having to be a long drawn out one, so we can get all the bits in. My headlights seemed to be very dim (out!) so that was circumvented creating more complications, but I managed to deliver biscuits to school in time for break somehow. Another job for tomorrow.

Back after work, things did their usual Monday thing with running and football and shopping and homework, but we squeezed in a bit of Mr Ed and a cake taster before we do that bit properly tomorrow lunchtime.

There he was 9 years ago, all bright eyed at 1.30 in the morning.

Shall I make a confession? I was going to bed last night and thought as I looked in on them that I would just sneek into bed with him and snuggle up and remember that moment I first saw him. He didn't realise until I told him as he went to bed this evening, but he was so pleased I'd stolen in. Little Agu. He's a wonderful thing.

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