With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Still life

The cake was the only thing that was still enough.

Little Agu is 8, and now we are 8, we can go to the square on our own, according to Ben's message to him on his card. Which he did, to buy batteries for his incredible insect toy.

Thank goodness for F and her ability to actually enjoy working under pressure (Oh, God, I hope she did) we two Daisy's pulled it off.

I had been woken by the heavy rain, and I knew the planned beach venue for the party was not going to happen. In fact the hail golfballstorm that occured confirmed it. Thanks to the network of mum's around the town, most people turned up at the house instead.

Musical everything ensued, with the accordian (thanks AKHF and mv - it still haunts us delightfully), piano, Chitty C B B chairs, statues and pass the parcel, (and just one broken light fitting and a few puzzling phone calls to add interest).

So with a fridge full of left overs, boys and myself back to work tomorrow, chaos in one room, sleeping boys in another, a 'creative job' still not done, another finished, I am utterly and totally done in. I would be more so, if it weren't for some great company and their sheer bloody hard work.

By the way, the monkey (thanks for the loan George) went eep eep eep and it's eyes were the loveliest blue.

Happy birthday Little Agu. I'll catch you keeping still for a minute tomorrow xxx

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