Tryfan’s steamy blips

The first steamy blip for a while. Here No 25 passes Wittersham Road signalbox while the fireman exchanged tokens with the trainee signalman on the box balcony.

It was a glorious late spring day, warm sunshine and blue skies. Good loading on the trains too.

Having a trainee I had expectations of a pleasant, relaxing day while he did all the work under my expert tutelage! Not so, it was his first proper turn in the box which meant plenty of close supervision and explanation.

However, he was a quick learner, understanding what needed to be done and showing great confidence by the end of the day. The makings of a competent signalman.

Thank you so much for your concern and best wishes for yesterday’s revelation. So far so good do us. My brother and his wife were feeling rather unwell today. Fingers crossed, as many of you have said, for them and got us.

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