Ocraquoy Road

A chilly day, cloudy but at least dry.  There was a few spits of rain over lunchtime. 

Another day off, and slept longer than planned, finally rose at 9am.  After breakfast, we headed out walkies.  Poor Sammy wasn't himself this morning, a slow walk, and possibly an upset tummy.  We popped by Madeline's, where he had a good rest.  Met friend Julie, and we headed into Lerwick for some shopping, then down the road, where Sammy did better for a short walk.  We headed to Laura's for a cuppa, and Sammy got another rest.  This evening Sammy is back to himself again.  I've been working in the shop tonight.  Feet up now.

After seeing Shetland cow calves yesterday, we went to look for them today, they had vanished!  We did finally spy them, but they had made their way up the hill, so will go look for them another day.  In the meantime, this was one of our detour routes.  Looking to North House, Ocraquoy, Cunningsburgh.  

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