
By Cygnus


I was aiming to take a photo of water droplets on the unfolding acer leaves, but unfortunately the camera in my phone couldn’t pick up what my eyes were seeing. So here are some drippy clematis buds instead.

It’s been raining steadily today. In fact, two ducks appeared in our drive earlier, which I nearly blipped with the heading ‘nice weather for ducks’! It was difficult to get the full-on rain effect, though, and the ducks were a bit far away. I didn’t want to go outside in case I frightened them away. Well, that and the heavy rain put me off!

The Ards Man is off to deliver dinner to his mum, who is still in her own home at 94 years old, but has succumbed to covid. She has no nasty symptoms, just a bit of a cough, and is testing negative again, so we’re hoping she’s over the worst.

We can’t stop visiting, in any case, as she wouldn’t understand why we weren’t there….and she wouldn’t get any dinners! Let’s hope the neither the AM nor I have caught covid from her.

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