Just the Withers......

By JaneW

My only offering..

Is my stinky fox poo rolling Betty …. I could use her as a chess piece .
I’m so so tired , I’ve had to come home for a rest !! .
Mind you I didn’t rest I ended up doing a mammoth clean and tidy of the upstairs including bathrooms and bedding and then I had the desire to clean the floors downstairs. It’s a far cry from fannying about in the capital city .
Tomorrow I go to see a consultant about my left shoulder which started to freeze about 6 months ago , it’s fairly unbearable now though .. the right shoulder froze 6 years or maybe 7 I can’t actually remember but that was sorted in the end by 2 humongous steroid injections 3 weeks apart .. the only worry is with this is that I might have torn my muscle too … we shall see . I expect they’ll send me for an MRI scan again .

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