I wasn’t going to do the MM challenge today because I thought I would just do a collage of the work we are having done on our roof but things changed quite quickly once another inspection had been made.

I had taken several shots of the scaffolding but then Phil, one of the roofers, came to speak to Mr. HCB. He said that all the wood underneath the gable ends was rotten so would also need replacing as well as that under the fascia boards.  He asked Mr. HCB if he would like to go up and look - and not one to let an opportunity like that go by, up he went - he’s still very sprightly for his age!

I couldn’t let a Blip opportunity go by either so went out into the back garden and took some shots of them chatting about how much work needed to be done.

It then went from bad to worse. Rob, the boss, arrived and went up to look, only to come down with more bad news - plus a video - to show that all the main joists also need replacing!!  When Rob asked Mr. HCB if he was able to go up a ladder, he said he had already been up with Phil! However, he said he was happy to go up there again. I must say that I was a bit miffed because Rob didn’t ask me if I wanted to go up!!

Anyway, the news is that it will now cost more than double the first quote but as we said, at least it will then be watertight, should see us out - and it will be guaranteed for 15 years!

Now back to Mono Monday - the theme was "Silhouette - Low Key" so in the middle of my collage are Phil and Tristan - posing beautifully or should that be "handsomely" for me.  In other shots you can see Mr. HCB climbing the ladder to have a look at the roof, a view of the scaffolding, and also Phil and Mr. HCB - you can see he is still smiling - because at the end of the day, eventually we will have a good roof over our heads, we will still have enough to buy food and we don’t live in a war zone!

"It’s good to have money and
     the things that money can buy,
          but it’s good, too, to check up
once in a while and make sure
     that you haven’t lost the things
          that money can’t buy."
George Lorimer

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