Munchie on Tour

Big breakfast, swim at the hotel, then a long but straightforward drive again, to Killarney. It felt really good to meet up with some of the kids' friends, who moved back to Ireland a couple of years ago. We had lunch at Muckross. The Bug and the Bear enjoyed weaving through the very neat box hedges, and then the boys made "daggers" in their den ("don't tell the grown ups"), while the girls hid in the shade to slow the melt of the ice cream. We were extremely lucky with the weather. 

Then one more final push to get to the holiday house, where we were warmly greeted by and reunited with Auntie J, who put together one hell of a welcome basket, which included two bottles of wine and a kilo of coffee, among many other things. The Bug bestowed upon Auntie J, one of his very big run and jump embraces. He was gleeful!

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