Place: North Myrtle Beach, SC 38/58
Main activity: Sat - errands, chores
Notes: Woke early (355a but turned to 555a before my eyes). Got up and did early timestamping for Amy's new Great Awakening video - took till 8a. From there, threw on jeans and ran out for some more spring water and veggies - don't like Walmart but it usually has a decent selection so got a fair amount. This is a view of a little neighborhood returning the back way. Caught up on Friday night videos then from Amy (w/ Anne from Skinsuit and Libby about light/water coding), Janine and one from Michael Jaco. Made a wonderful green tea latte, cut up my mango (perfect ripeness), cleaned my bathroom sink and shelves. Read some and meditation, relaxing afternoon and evening. 

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