
Yesterday I had seen big white birds in the estuary so today with Andrew and the forester as support crew I had another go at capturing Royal Spoonbills.  We left the cycle path and walked out on the edge of the estuary.  It is slippery in places and I had one stumble but no damage to camera or blipper.  There was a bigger flock today and many other wading birds.  I can only name the black Oyster Catchers and the Pied Stilts.  I think there were Godwits to and ducks and herons.  I was still too far away for my lens but closer than last time.  My blip is as they took flight to head for the other side of the estuary.  We didn't do anything to scare them or be too close.  I have seen Andrews shots and they are fabulous.
On the walk back to the truck these bikers (extra passed  us.  One stopped to chat and we learned they are a group of men who every five years do a trip away.  This time it is in Nelson and they have been biking to various hotels.  I agreed with him that it isn't a drinking trip and it's about men's mental health and sharing and talking together.  They looked a fun group.  He was waiting for the group that were bringing up the rear.  The tee shirt reads: 
God made man,
Then he rested.
God made woman,
And no ones rested since.
Mt Pirongia Papier Mache Club
Savin' the boys from chores since 1988
Bike for Beer Tour 
Nelson 2022 

High Flying Bird                 Jefferson Airplane   Billy Edd Wheeler

 There's a high flyin' bird, way up in the sky now,
You know I wonder if she looks down, as she flies on by?
She's flying on the air so easily in the sky.

Lord, look at me here,
I'm rooted like a tree here, yes I am now . . . 

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