Running the fells

Yesterday I had an extra of Skiddaw from Derwentwater, today's main is Skiddaw from Knott to the NE. 
A frosty morning and there was still ice on the track as I set off on a run into the northern fells and higher up there was snow on the ground.
The first 2 miles were up a valley to old mine workings and then a steep climb onto the open fells - where it turned very boggy, Over 3 Wainwrights and back down to the start when we got a snow shower and a tree lit up against teh dark clouds - extra.
Great views in all directions, less lying snow as the day progressed.
Then along to Caldback for lunch and a trip to the wool shop, where I bought some (but was relatively restrained).
Now back at my sister's showered and relaxing, thinking about what to do it the morning.

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