Un newid olaf

Un newid olaf ~ One last change

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Un newid olaf yn y babell - mae'r mat rhisgl coconyt wedi cyrraedd.  Ryd i'n ei rhoi i lawr fel haen gyntaf yn y babell am ei ynysiad rhag oer am ei phwysau i helpu'r babell cadw ei siâp. Mae carped tenau yn mynd ar ben y mat. Wrth gwrs roedd rhaid i mi gymryd popeth allan o'r babell eto - ond am y tro olaf am sbel.

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One last change in the tent - the coconut bark mat has arrived. I put it down as a first layer in the tent for its insulation from cold for its weight to help the tent keep its shape. A thin carpet goes on top of the mat. Of course I had to take everything out of the tent again - but for the last time for a while.

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