Asha's 11!

Our dear lovely Asha is 11 today! We got up early to open gifts and have chocolate croissants for breakfast. She took birthday cake into school to share with her classmates and teachers. 
My morning was unexpected,  a prayer walk, visiting friends on the street and then going to see one of the guys in hospital.  He's had a brain injury and the whole situation is incredibly sad. When I got there I didn't recognise him as he usually has long matted hair and is covered in dirt - now after brain surgery he's got a shaved head and he's clean. It made me feel sad in a way, I felt like I could see what he might have been like had life been kinder/easier for him. 
After school we met up with Claire and Stef and had lunch in a nearby cafe. Absolutely delicious!  
Next birthday celebration was collecting Camila and Romina, they've come for a sleepover. They've done facemasks,  danced, made their own pizzas, laughed their heads off... At 2 minutes to midnight I think everyone's asleep...
I had a strange visit from one of the homeless women who is under the influence of a very dangerous man...there aren't many times I'd use the term brainwashed, but this would be one... 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Lovely Asha. She's such a gift. 
2) Romina's mom coming by for a drink. It's Romina's first ever sleepover, so quite a big deal.
3) All kids asleep... It's been chaos at points but I think they've all had a great time together. 

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