Short Day
Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny and The Eldest Mini Princess,
So, I started my working day and it went like this…
1. Start looking at a piece of work.
2. Open another app to cross check something.
3. Stare blankly at screen, having completely forgotten what I was doing.
4. Flick back to previous app.
5. Remember what I needed to check
6. Repeat step 2 - step 5 for about an hour until realising that brain isn’t working.
7. Get told at daily stand up that I sound like Madge Bishop.
8. Log off.
I don’t feel ill - just like having a head cold but it was like my brain was drunk. I couldn’t do simple things. Not unpleasant. Just weird.
So I snoozed through a lot of tv for the rest of the day and had ice cream (mint choc chip) for dinner!
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