
Can’t get enough of ranunculus at the moment.
Just as well as it’s one of the few things flowering in  my garden at the moment.
I bought seven of them in bud at Otley market last month.
But this one is indoors, part of my Mother’s Day flowers.
I’ve tried for quite a few years to grow them myself with not one bit of success. Instructions usually say to plant them straight out in the garden.
This year l decided to have one last go but for a change l soaked the corms in water overnight and then planted them individually in seed pots.
And to my joy they have started sprouting, about half of them have green leaves.
Hoping l will get them to flower when l transfer them into the garden.
Thank you BikerBear for hosting Flower Friday.

PS, tested this morning and the line was so faint l had to take the results into the conservatory to decipher the faintest line imaginable.
Day 10 tomorrow and official advice is that if the line is very faint you can go back out ( but wear a mask and avoid the vulnerable) we shall see…

Put my monthly mileage on extras for my own record.
Obviously no walking done the past few days but still did 117 miles, so on track to walk 100 miles a month.

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