Pretty or Not!

Quite a busy day for me.
Had my new integrated fridge freezer finally delivered and fitted this morning, took nearly three hours but it’s in!
Was a very tight squeeze according to the fitters.
This afternoon l was invited to outdoor tea by my friend Di.
( If you follow Earthdreamer you might have seen her on his blip last week celebrating 100 years of women ‘s rock climbing).
Bridget and Alison were there too, lovely to catch up after such a long time. 
So my three dear friends are my journal entry today.
It was so cold, very different to yesterday.
Had to leave earlier than l planned because l’ve just had my second jab in Skipton.
Had a text yesterday telling me l could book and there was a free slot today so l wasn’t going to turn that down.
Fabulous and efficient but something happened that had me and two of the staff there howling with laughter.
The lady who was checking my information on the computer asked me the usual questions 
Then she finally said, 
“And do you consider yourself quite pretty? “
I looked at her aghast and replied:
“”Pardon, could you say that again?
She did and said, 
“ Do you consider yourself White British!?”
I am still laughing, obviously wearing a mask has affected my hearing :-))

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