Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

East meets West

Today has been one of those special days which will stay in the memory. We went into Paris to meet Digpan and Marieclaire for the Paris blip meet. We should have been a few more but some could not make it. Another time I hope. We had a very pleasant lunch and it was lovely to reinforce that sense of community and friendship for which blip is famous. So a sincere and very big thank you to Digpan and Marieclaire for your company and kindness. I took a couple of shots but they did not turn out well so I hope one of them has a better one to publish.

We then had a quick drive around Paris before returning home. By chance it was the Thai Buddhist open day in Moissy Cramayel. There was a huge garden party with lots of local visitors and an unusual mix of food, relaxation, festivity and prayer. It was a very enjoyable experience especially as it was warm and sunny. Here, it has gone from winter to summer and bypassed spring.

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