Missing M&M

We were up to get the kids off to school and then pack up our stuff...sob...It's been such a lovely time away!
The timings worked well to go to the airport and give Mike and Marilyn a hug goodbye, and then head to school pickup. Asha discovered today she's got into repaso which is a kind of homework club, focused especially on Catalan (school is taught almost exclusively in Catalan). She's wanted to go for ages but there hasn't been space until now. She found out today she could start this afternoon - 4 til 5,30. She absolutely loved it.

Great to get home and see Mitch.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) This past few days with Mike and Marilyn - it's been a gift.
2) Hearing M&M are home safely.
3) Chatting with my folks this afternoon whilst waiting to walk home with Asha after repaso.  

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