My tulips have lasted well but as they have now decomposed to the point of no return they need to go into the compost bin, so I decided to Blip this one for Tiny Tuesday.
I had to be very careful when transferring the tulip to another small vase to photograph it, as several petals had already fallen off but I managed it.
I used our new very powerful torch to throw some light on the tulip and was surprised at how vibrant the petals looked even though the actual flower had decayed. I definitely think that there is still beauty in this lovely flower.
We are off out to lunch soon with Mr. HCB’s cricket buddy, Keith, so you can guess what the “hot topic” of conversation will be, although Keith’s son, Graham, has been over from America for a few weeks, so we will no doubt hear what they have been up to. I’m sure that Keith will appreciate being with us - especially as he is on his own again, now that his son has returned home and we all get on well together, even though cricket isn't my thing!
“Everywhere you look
there is evidence of the
enchantment of decay,
a kind of beauty
that can only be revealed
by a long, slow fading.”
Amitav Ghosh
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