new couple moving in

Today is our last "play day" here in California. It dawned cool and gray, and made it easier to think about doing the laundry today and getting ready to pack up tomorrow. We started the day with two fresh donuts from the bakery down the street, and plan to go to the beach for hubby's milkshake and my last beach combing time this afternoon. 
But while I was having my quiet time in the back yard this morning I noticed two Mourning Doves hanging around. When I looked up a little while later I could see that they were building a nest in the fence.
So as we leave a new couple is moving in!
P.S. Since the sun came out this afternoon we went to the Carlsbad Flower Fields. There's a road in back you can see it from without having to pay to get in. I enjoyed seeing the workers picking flowers for fresh bouquets.

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