We have arrived!!

After an emotional, socially distanced farewell with Lady Linda, we set off for Pasty Land.

It was an ok journey traffic wise but wearing a mask and sitting in the back for 5 hours made me feel really sick. But we got here fine.

Our holiday barn in Camelford is Beautiful. The owners are on site and really friendly and there is a beautiful river walk just down the road.

Its tricky trying to keep away from Mr W so I'm continuing to wear my mask. If nurses can do it for a 12 hour shift then so can I. We bought a new airbed so I can at least sleep separately. Well I do anyway because of my snoring!!

I think we will be very happy here for 3 weeks then back to Lady Lindas for a few nights before moving into a log cabin in the middle of knowwhere for 5 months!!

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