The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Maidenhair fern abstract

What a day! We got to the market just about 9am. Busy day of answering questions and adding stickers on cards to customise them, culminating in a woman coming in just as I was nearly packed up, asking me for a card "about that size" (holding hands apart) before telling me that all my cards were too small for her liking. I directed her to Card Factory.

Sales were not amazing. Mostly, though, I was struggling with the sore throat, etc. Now I'm home, I've had a lie down and a Lemsip in the cabin, then taken myself to bed in case the need for sleep overwhelms me. I want to be well, while the weather is still gorgeous.

P S. I was alerted shortly after I wrote the above, to some repeated sounds of jumping/pouncing by Indie. They reminded me of something, but I couldn't say what. Took a look, and found that Indie had brought in a rather sweet-looking dead mouse. Steve said he'd found a drowned one earlier and removed it to the bottom of the garden. It may have been the same one. Poor thing. We need a better cover for our water container.

P.P.S. The new duvet cover arrived. The pattern is called Ingrid. Would I have bought it if it had been called, say, Robert, or Alexa? Probably not 

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