
By KathyH58

Mar 24

A busy day. I met with a new client this morning to go over her quote and she gave me the go ahead to do the job. Then home for lunch. Back out after lunch, I had to add some more money to my Macpass for the bridges between Halifax and Dartmouth. I had to meet one of my contractors at one of my jobs in Herring Cove this afternoon, so I timed it so I could go for a walk at the Frog Pond. It is about a 1 km trail around a pond, it has a couple of other trails off it, but I didn't have time to walk either of them today. This stream goes under the Frog Pond trail and beside one of the other trails.
It was partly sunny for most of the day today and the temperature this afternoon was 7 C. It clouded over later, the forecast is for ice pellets tonight changing to rain early in the morning. It looks like I will be home tomorrow. I need an indoor day to get some cleaning done, and I also need to repot a few house plants.
I called my nephew in Alberta tonight, it is his 60th birthday. He claims he is entering his 6th decade, I told him he is entering his 7th decade. Even after I explained it to him, he didn't believe me.

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