
It’s quite fascinating to watch the framing for this house go up so quickly . And it is quiet! The sound of hammering and sawing is nothing compared to the constant beeping going on on the other side of us.

We are at a loss to know why on earth (so to speak) they are moving yet more dirt into a mound right next to the one they created last month and then moved out of our line of sight. There are still three earth movers over there…just like Goldilocks, a big one, a medium one and a little one. Apparently none of them is just right…

When I commented to John that I couldn’t begin to figure out what they’re doing over there, John’s comment was that he doesn’t think they can either….

I took a day off from quilting and called to sign up for an 8 class a month package at the Pilates studio. I’m ready to get off the floor and back onto a reformer.

The bathroom is finished except for a door on the cabinet over the toilet. The wall behind it and the toilet itself are the same as the guest bathroom and the whole room is lighter and brighter…partly because David cleaned out the embarrassingly filthy filters in the fan and the sun tube thingy that brings light into the shower. And the shower floor is really cool and free of pebbles!

We’re happy….

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